Hi! I'm Alice

My goal is to help individuals reach their highest quality of health through nutrition, lifestyle changes, dietary supplements and herbal therapeutics.

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Hi! I'm Alice

My goal is to help individuals reach their highest quality of health through nutrition, lifestyle changes, dietary supplements and herbal therapeutics.


Herbal Alice..

Clinical Registered Herbalist and a member of American Herbalist Guild

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    Has over 30 years of experience as a Nurse Practitioner in the Pediatric Ambulatory and Emergency Department environment.

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    In her 8 years of Integrative Medicine practice, she created an emphasis on assisting patients to identify and achieve their specific goals toward  a better quality of life, healthy lifestyle and nutrition through recommendation of herbal therapeutics, natural dietary supplementation, customized tincture formulations and herbal infusions.

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    Completed Herbal Medicine intensive training with Drs. Tieraona Low Dog and Patrick Fratellone, both renowned in their field of Alternative, Herbal and Traditional Medicine.

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    Brings a unique approach through an initial detailed discussion of client's traditional health history and concerns through a comprehensive questionnaire.

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    Defines achievable goals to improve health and well-being through written recommendation of Herbal therapeutics, nutrition and lifestyle changes. She provides and manually reviews a health plan in a follow up meeting and subsequent meetings (4-8 weeks) to stay on track.

Are You Ready to Focus on Achieving Your Best Quality of Life?

Call (762) 233-2073 to book your 10 minute complementary consultation

"Health is defined as more than simply the absence of illness. It is the active state of physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, social and environmental well being. "Each indivividual has the ability to self heal".

~ W.H.O. World Health Organization


What Is Herbal Medicine?

Herbal medicine is the science and art of using the therapeutic application of plants for medicinal purposes. Herbal healing is considered to be the oldest form of medicine. It has been used by all cultures, races and religions throughout the world. Use of herbal medicine dates back at least 5,000 years.

Ancient physicians treated the sick with herbs. Their apothecaries were filled with elixirs, ointments, teas and poultices. The foundation for what we call modern/conventional medicine today was laid by the ancient profession of herbal medicine.

Uses of Herbal Medicine

The use of herbal medicine in today's world is important to our well being. Plants enhance our lives in many ways. They provide us with beauty when they flower, their seeds and leaves can provide nourishment and their medicinal properties can restore our health. We have co-existed with the plant kingdom and many of us have treasured its value. Western Medicine is beginning to fulfill the World Health Organization's criteria that traditional medicine practices need to be incorporated into the healthcare system.

medicinal herbs and tinctures

How It Works

In our consultation, you can expect a detailed discussion of your health history, health concerns and achievable goals which will be defined with this interactive experience. My primary objective is to help restore your health, well-being and quality of life. Herbal therapeutics, nutrition and lifestyle changes are all considered in creating a plan of health. It is our partnership of value towards your healing path.